Sunday, November 7, 2010

Heros are back

Here are some coming soon heroes...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Carnage Vs. Fin Fang Foom

Carnage is controled by a simbiote while Fin Fang Foom is just a big alien dragon from Kakaranathara.Carnage/Cleetus`s villians Spiderman and Venom are nothing compared to Carnage even if they`re combined. Fin Fang Foom left his planet with other alian dragons to look for other planets to conquer and landed in China.Much like Spiderman Carnage can climb and shoot web but he has much greater strengh then him. Fin Fang Foom`s enemy Ironman and Carnage`s enemy Spiderman are two of Marvel`s greatest heros but their villians could crush them.So who is the most powerful?Carnage!You may not believe it but it`s true. Know lets get to their enmies.Iron Man is in a Marvel team called the Avengers which includes Thor,Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, and more. Iron Man also has a sidekick named war machine whos suit is grey and black and is African Amerian. Spider Man does not have a sidekick he is alone but  his villain are amazing like Carnage,Venom, Rhino, Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman,and Doc Ock acording to me.

Luke Cage vs Super Man

LThere is one thing the same about Luke Cage and Superman,they are both indistructible. Superman has alot of powers like super srength.Luke Cage does not have that many powers but he still is an awesome superhero.I think Superman is alot more powerful because he has more powers.They both have great fighting skills and they both are super strong but it sometimes is not enough to beat their villians Lex and Ben.Luke Cage is not in the Avengers and Superman is in the Justice league.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Spider-Man vs Batman

Spider-Man has web and batman has a  grappling hook and a batarang and have things in common but someone copied someone. Bruce Wayne is a millionaire whose childhood is behind him while Peter Parker is a young boy who has his life ahead of him. Peter is closer to his family Aunt May and friends Mary Jane and Harry Osborne, but Bruce has no family at all. Both had family members of their family who were killed by criminals, convincing to live a life of fighting crime.

Peter got his powers through a radioactive spider bite and Bruce has no powers just a costume and tons of high tech gadgets. The main thing is that they both have a symbol of an animal (or in Spidey's case a spider). So the bottomline is these two are really different types of superheroes, Batman is more of a dark superhero with dark villians while Spidey is more warm hearted and hero like.

Why isn`t Green Goblin Iron Man`s villian

You would think Green Goblin would be Iron Man`s vilian but not really.He is meant to be Spiderman`s vilian cause it makes a good story how he`s Harry`s dad.

Batman and superman

Batman and superman are the most famous DC heroes and the best and have faught together forever but there may be other heroes that are better than them.

Joker vs Venom

Everybody loves Venom and the Joker but who is better.One is a DC and one is Marvel so if you like Marvel you like Venom and if you like DC you like the Joker.

Rhodes comes back to be one amazing hero

Iron Man said he was alone until his friend stole his suit and changed it and became a great side kick to help kill villians.People think he`s really cool and he is and now like Iron Man even better.Rhodes does not have a hero name so he call`s him self War Machine together Iron Man and War Machine can kill all there enemies.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Justice league vs the Avengers

We got all exited when are favorite super hero company was making a team but there was two one for Marvel and one for DC but the main question is who copied who.Both teams are both fantastic but one copied

Friday, June 11, 2010

Is DC coming back

For a long time Marvel was very populer until DC made a big comeback and made them selves just as famous and Marvel is trying to come back.
Awsome DC heroes.

Dc and Marvel aren`t the only one`s

For a long time we thoght superheroes were the only action going on but realy you don`t nead superpowers to be a hero like TMNT and other heroes so that DC and Marvel are not the only ones.

Dr Doom VS Magneto

Dr.Doom is head of Marvel villains but Magneto is one of  the strongest.Dr.Doom`s team is some of the strongest villains like Magneto who can probably take over.If Magneto and Dr.Doom fought Magneto would win by bending his metal.

Cole is back and ready to fight

Cole is taugher and has stronger vilians now.Zeke now has the same powers as Cole and is better than ever and so does his new vilian Beast.

One little something that can kill Superman

We all thaght superman was completly indistructible but there`s one little thing that can kill him and that is criptinight.Lex Luther has been trieing to kill him with that forever and hye has.

Why aren`t all Marvel`s Avengers

We would think spiderman and other famous Marvels would be in the Avengers but instead they got marvels that are unusiaul and put them so why couldn`t they put all Marvels as Avengers.Well I think people were tired of the same Marvels and they wanted to see other ones.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Watchmen RULE

Maybe their not from DC or Marvel but Dark Horse isn't bad. Watchmen was originally made for DC but they didn't like it. Marvel and DC are not the only ones there are some other good superhero companies that have good movies. The Watchmen are very good superheroes but people may like other companies.

Awesome SUPER Pics

Here are pics of some world class heroes:

Hulk vs Thing

There are many complaints that Stan Lee would not say who is stronger Hulk or Thing. My opinion is that Hulk is stronger but no one knows.The Thing is in a team so you can not tell who is doing all the work but the Hulk is not in a team.Dr.Doom is a very powerful villan and so is the obomination but it depense on the hero.You may not know who the srongest superhero is but you can figure it out if you watch there fiteing skills.