Friday, June 18, 2010

Spider-Man vs Batman

Spider-Man has web and batman has a  grappling hook and a batarang and have things in common but someone copied someone. Bruce Wayne is a millionaire whose childhood is behind him while Peter Parker is a young boy who has his life ahead of him. Peter is closer to his family Aunt May and friends Mary Jane and Harry Osborne, but Bruce has no family at all. Both had family members of their family who were killed by criminals, convincing to live a life of fighting crime.

Peter got his powers through a radioactive spider bite and Bruce has no powers just a costume and tons of high tech gadgets. The main thing is that they both have a symbol of an animal (or in Spidey's case a spider). So the bottomline is these two are really different types of superheroes, Batman is more of a dark superhero with dark villians while Spidey is more warm hearted and hero like.

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