Sunday, November 7, 2010

Heros are back

Here are some coming soon heroes...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Carnage Vs. Fin Fang Foom

Carnage is controled by a simbiote while Fin Fang Foom is just a big alien dragon from Kakaranathara.Carnage/Cleetus`s villians Spiderman and Venom are nothing compared to Carnage even if they`re combined. Fin Fang Foom left his planet with other alian dragons to look for other planets to conquer and landed in China.Much like Spiderman Carnage can climb and shoot web but he has much greater strengh then him. Fin Fang Foom`s enemy Ironman and Carnage`s enemy Spiderman are two of Marvel`s greatest heros but their villians could crush them.So who is the most powerful?Carnage!You may not believe it but it`s true. Know lets get to their enmies.Iron Man is in a Marvel team called the Avengers which includes Thor,Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, and more. Iron Man also has a sidekick named war machine whos suit is grey and black and is African Amerian. Spider Man does not have a sidekick he is alone but  his villain are amazing like Carnage,Venom, Rhino, Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman,and Doc Ock acording to me.

Luke Cage vs Super Man

LThere is one thing the same about Luke Cage and Superman,they are both indistructible. Superman has alot of powers like super srength.Luke Cage does not have that many powers but he still is an awesome superhero.I think Superman is alot more powerful because he has more powers.They both have great fighting skills and they both are super strong but it sometimes is not enough to beat their villians Lex and Ben.Luke Cage is not in the Avengers and Superman is in the Justice league.