Sunday, April 14, 2013

Review: The Amazing Spider-Man

The wait is over the Amazing Spider-Man movie has finally been released, and Andrew Garfield and the rest of the cast did a spectacular job. Honestly I think Andrew Garfield did a better job than Tobey Maguire at the Peter Parker role. I personally like the character of Gwen Stacy more than the character of Mary Jane Watson. In my opinion Emma Stone fit the Gwen part perfectly unlike Kirstin Dunst in the role of Mary Jane, and was a lot more likable in the role. I don't think Rhys Ifans was a perfect Dr. Connors but he did a pretty good job, especially in comparison to Dylan Baker's version from Raimi's series. The choice of Lizard as the villain felt perfect, not rushing into Green Goblin, and using a villain we haven't seen before who has ties to Peter's past. If you compare the old suit with the new suit it's no question which ones better.

The new suit is a perfect combination of blue and red and the old suit looked more like the one in the comics but I think the new suit is much better. Martin Sheen was a great uncle Ben but Sally Fields just didn`t fit the part of Aunt May. Unfortunetly in some fighting scenes lizard looked fake. Stan Lee's cameo was amazing and extremely funny. I'm a big fan of Sam Raimi's movies including his Spider-Man movies but I do think Marc Webb is the better director for a Spider-Man movie. Denis Leary was a perfect addition to the cast as Captain Stacy, Gwen's father. Andrew was a great Peter Parker in and out of the suit and his fighting skills in the movie were much better than Tobey's in the old Spider-Man movies. Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield together as a couple was just perfect the whole way through the film.

Martin Sheen did an amazing job as Peter's uncle and acted perfectly with the part and the same with Denis Leary in the part of Captain George Stacy. The design of the Oscorp building was much better in the Amazing Spider Man than in the old Spider-Man movies. Also the Lizard's design was perfect and much than the design for the Green Goblin in the past Spider-Man films. I do think Danny Elfman's score was much better than James Horner's score in my opinion. I would've liked to see Harry Osborn and his father Norman Osborn in the movie but it would be to much to add Harry in the first movie along with Gwen. The developed web shooters are much better than the organic webshooters in Sam Raimi's series.

The scene of Uncle Ben's death was much more realistic in Marc Webb's version because they actually showed it and there was blood unlike in the old movies. The plot was excellent and I especially liked how they showed a flash back of little Peter and his parents. I would like to see Electro and Green Goblin in the future Amazing Spider-Man movies. Chris Zylka looks and acts much more like Flash Thompson than Joe Manganeillo but honestly I don't think either of them are perfect for the role.

As I said before the Lizard design was excellent unfortunetly I like the comics version much better but this design of the Lizard was still good. Rhys Ifans in my opinion didn't do a great job but he did enough to make the villain amazing. The match up between Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man and Rhys Ifans as Lizard was perfect. Lizard is one of my favorite villains in the Marvel Universe and Curt Connors is one of my favorite characters in the Spider-Man story. It was a great idea of Marc Webb to choose a villain we haven't seen in a Spider-Man movie in the past.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Action Figure Review: Captain America 3.75 Inch Final Mission

Name: Captain America Final Mission
Category: Captain America Movie
Series: Wave 2
Type: Action Figure
Size: 3.75 Inch
Review: It looks a lot like Chris Evans, and it's shield is very small and the gun is easy to loss. The helmet is pretty good, but isn't really needed. I like the costume a lot, and it's painted good except for under the chin. The worst part is getting the shield in his hand because it doesn't fit well. The articulation is F from me because it is so bad it stiffer than my mom's tuna casa roll, but anyway he can't move his legs forward or backward, and one of the limbs was almost dangling from his knee from the time opened it. If you want it for display it's pretty good, but it's pretty bad for action because you are always worried about breaking it. I think you should wait for the Avengers version to come out.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Green Lantern poster

Thor poster

Thor Poster

Captain Amerca poster

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Andrew Garfield ready to film

                                       OLD SUIT                                         NEW SUIT
The spiderman reboot has finally realesed his suit and it looks nothing like theold one and this one has michanacle web shooters. The old Spiderman movies were big hits but now we get to hear a similar but different story from Mark Webb not Sam Raimi. In someways this is good but in some ways it`s bad but anyway they realesed the costume and i`m starting to like it. The comics had a good story and were good but now we need to see how the actors act it out. I think Andrew`s going to do pretty good with acting and I don`t think the movies going to be bad or anything but I`m used to the first spiderman movie with Tobey Maguire. I can see how Andrew Garfield and Tobey are similar and how Andrew could act the part but I would prefer Josh Hutcherson or Anton Yelchin. Back to the suit, the new suit kind of has faded away stripes unlike the comics one and the old Tobey McGuire movie with Sam Raimi as director.

Sam Raimi vs Mark Webb who is better at directing a spider man movie or are they both as good as we think. Andrew right now is getting along with Mark and the people on the set and they are almost ready to start filming but unfortuently it will come out in 2012 but there are Marvel movies coming out before this one. I`m hoping the reboot`s going to be impresive because I am going to need a good movie that year. The old movies were`t as close to the comics as the new ones going to be but that actually can get boring for the people who already read the comics because it`s just the same thing all  over again and that`s what I liked about the old movies. Sam Raimi I heard was not to mad about the whole rebooting thing because after all he kind of quit and I don`t know about Tobey but I don`t think he was expecting it. I`m shur this isn`t true but maybe they just picked Mark because he had the last name Webb. Guen Stacy who is in the comics as Peter Parkers early love interest is going to be in the reboot played by Emma Stone but she used to have red hair which made people think she was a good Mary Jane but shes unfortuently Peters LATE love. You mite reconise the name from the film Spiderman 3 but this time shes a better actress and after she died her hair she looks alot like guen and nothing like Mary Jane. Lizard is in the film unlike in the old movies but I was hoping for Rhino or Electro to be in the film but i`m fine with Lizard. The new Spiderman suits pretty good to.

                                         IF You have seen the old spiderman movie heres a summary:
One day a nirdy kid who has a friend named Harry Osborn is at a science field trip with spiders and when he`s taking a school paper picture a spider bites him. No one knows this but he`s very sick. While he`s at a restling competition his uncle dies and he tries to find the killer. Soon he desides to become a superhero. His villian is the Green Goblin who is Harry`s dad and dies from his own weapon. Thats the summary hope I didn`t mess it up for you and if you get a chance see the movie.end

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Green Lanterns ring beating out Chris Evans and Captain America or not

                 The Green Lantern movie is coming soon just around the time Captain America`s movie is coming out but which movie will get the most views. Cap murchandise already out with the cover and trailer so i`m guessing it`ll come out first but seriously it can`t just be competion that`s doing this. Green lanterns ring or Caps shield no it`s not that easy it`s the cast, trailers, acting, and story but apperantly otherpeople think different. Green lantern is about aliens and a special ring from a dieing one while Captain America is about a superhero  who is frozen and comes back to a very weird time. The problem is there is Thor and Captain America vs one Dc movie it just doesn`t work out for DC. Although Thor and Green Lantern are coming out on different completely different dates I guess you can say Cap is its competition.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Henry Cavvil as superman

          Good news Henry Cavvil has been announced playing superman in the new superman movie. Some fans mad others happy but I expect good acting and fighting from him. It took a while to get him and I never knew who he was until I heard he was superman.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Be ready for Thor in action

               Thor posters, trailers, and even party things in May an awesome movie based on comics is coming to theaters for thousands of people to see. Wait for Captain America and look foward to Thor. Even i`m excited to finally see a movie about one of my favorite superheros. Thors been around for years and people have been waiting for a movie well atleast comicbook readers. I`ll do a review after the movie but for now i`ll just type up and stay excited. They` ve got the costume, actor , and film done with but now all they have to do is send the movie to theaters. My advise is to forget about cap right now. Trailers have been good so far. A trailer was shown during the Super bowl NFL along with a captain america one. I think Thor is actually going to be empresive because I know some people who disagree. Fans like me are wondering whether Chris is going to do good or not. The suit looks fine to me and looks about the same as the one in the comics. They`ve already mest up a couple of other movies but with excitment everybody had they probably made it as good as they could. What I would give it based on trailers is about four out of five stars. Posters and things i`m kind of sure are already out so if they are there probably running out quickly. I have a feeling it`s going to be way better then spiderman or x-mens movies. This is going to be with lighting action and a hammer my favorite tool and super power. When I was young my dream superhero had lighting and I found out my dream super hero had already came true and now I get to see him in a movie but as a God and with an awesome hammer that has mighty power. No more books with speech bubbles it`s movie time. He`s been annaunced on a film magazine cover.


Friday, January 21, 2011

X-Men First Class Fan-Cast

Here's my first fancast of X-Men First Class. Here's my picks for Cyclops, Jean Grey, Angel, Beast, Iceman, Magneto, and Professor X.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Heros are back

Here are some coming soon heroes...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Carnage Vs. Fin Fang Foom

Carnage is controled by a simbiote while Fin Fang Foom is just a big alien dragon from Kakaranathara.Carnage/Cleetus`s villians Spiderman and Venom are nothing compared to Carnage even if they`re combined. Fin Fang Foom left his planet with other alian dragons to look for other planets to conquer and landed in China.Much like Spiderman Carnage can climb and shoot web but he has much greater strengh then him. Fin Fang Foom`s enemy Ironman and Carnage`s enemy Spiderman are two of Marvel`s greatest heros but their villians could crush them.So who is the most powerful?Carnage!You may not believe it but it`s true. Know lets get to their enmies.Iron Man is in a Marvel team called the Avengers which includes Thor,Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, and more. Iron Man also has a sidekick named war machine whos suit is grey and black and is African Amerian. Spider Man does not have a sidekick he is alone but  his villain are amazing like Carnage,Venom, Rhino, Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman,and Doc Ock acording to me.

Luke Cage vs Super Man

LThere is one thing the same about Luke Cage and Superman,they are both indistructible. Superman has alot of powers like super srength.Luke Cage does not have that many powers but he still is an awesome superhero.I think Superman is alot more powerful because he has more powers.They both have great fighting skills and they both are super strong but it sometimes is not enough to beat their villians Lex and Ben.Luke Cage is not in the Avengers and Superman is in the Justice league.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Spider-Man vs Batman

Spider-Man has web and batman has a  grappling hook and a batarang and have things in common but someone copied someone. Bruce Wayne is a millionaire whose childhood is behind him while Peter Parker is a young boy who has his life ahead of him. Peter is closer to his family Aunt May and friends Mary Jane and Harry Osborne, but Bruce has no family at all. Both had family members of their family who were killed by criminals, convincing to live a life of fighting crime.

Peter got his powers through a radioactive spider bite and Bruce has no powers just a costume and tons of high tech gadgets. The main thing is that they both have a symbol of an animal (or in Spidey's case a spider). So the bottomline is these two are really different types of superheroes, Batman is more of a dark superhero with dark villians while Spidey is more warm hearted and hero like.

Why isn`t Green Goblin Iron Man`s villian

You would think Green Goblin would be Iron Man`s vilian but not really.He is meant to be Spiderman`s vilian cause it makes a good story how he`s Harry`s dad.

Batman and superman

Batman and superman are the most famous DC heroes and the best and have faught together forever but there may be other heroes that are better than them.

Joker vs Venom

Everybody loves Venom and the Joker but who is better.One is a DC and one is Marvel so if you like Marvel you like Venom and if you like DC you like the Joker.

Rhodes comes back to be one amazing hero

Iron Man said he was alone until his friend stole his suit and changed it and became a great side kick to help kill villians.People think he`s really cool and he is and now like Iron Man even better.Rhodes does not have a hero name so he call`s him self War Machine together Iron Man and War Machine can kill all there enemies.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Justice league vs the Avengers

We got all exited when are favorite super hero company was making a team but there was two one for Marvel and one for DC but the main question is who copied who.Both teams are both fantastic but one copied

Friday, June 11, 2010

Is DC coming back

For a long time Marvel was very populer until DC made a big comeback and made them selves just as famous and Marvel is trying to come back.
Awsome DC heroes.

Dc and Marvel aren`t the only one`s

For a long time we thoght superheroes were the only action going on but realy you don`t nead superpowers to be a hero like TMNT and other heroes so that DC and Marvel are not the only ones.